Consultation from the convenience of your own home. Remote video consultation provides answers for those questions that don't require an entire training clinic to address:

  • Save time and get the answers you need quickly and efficiently

  • Schedule at a time that works for you rather than working around training schedules and in-person availability

  • Conducted in privacy for sensitive training topics

Please contact us directly to schedule your remote video consultation services.


Field testing helps to identify any product issues missed during development stages and allows for early insight into real-world product performance. Field testing consultation gathers data to validate client product assumptions while gaining a competitive advantage through target market feedback. Wolf Den consults for industry leading companies to deliver formal testing evaluation and innovative feedback: 

  • Consultation feedback leads to significant product enhancement prior to initial product launch

  • Catches product issues early to avoid costly recalls and negative reviews after launch

  • Builds customer trust by demonstrating commitment to high-quality products which meet customer needs

Wolf Den provides formal Test & Evaluation consultation reports during each stage of field testing. We work vigorously and diligently to answer end-user field testing questions throughout the process. 

Please contact us to begin discussing evaluation and desired consultation outcomes.


Wolf Den works with existing and new ranges to advise on siting and establishment of range facilities. As professionals in our field, we have the experience and knowledge to properly evalute sites to maximize potential: 

  • Range layout planning, firing point establishment, target mapping and placement consultation

  • Maximization of viable terrain for range layout and capabilities

  • Mapping, 3D imaging, and GPS marking or target placement

Range and firing point establishment can be a time consuming process. Wolf Den streamlines the process to make range establishment efficient while helping the client to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Please contact us directly to discuss your range design consultation needs.