Training Policy


Eligibility Requirements

Participants will possess the necessary skills, maturity, and physical abilities to safely and effectively engage in courses. To be eligible for enrollment in a Wolf Den course, individuals must meet the following criteria:

Age: Participants must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian if under the age of 18. Our courses involve advanced firearms training and require individuals to demonstrate a high level of responsibility and maturity.

Firearm Handling Experience: Participants must possess prior experience and knowledge in firearm handling. Each course offered by Wolf Den is unique, and therefore it is at the discretion of the staff to determine if a Shooter possesses the adequate experience and knowledge to participate. At a minimum, participants should have a basic understanding of firearm safety rules, marksmanship principles, and an ability to operate firearms safely.

Physical Fitness: Some Wolf Den courses involve physically demanding activities such as: dynamic long-range shooting scenarios, hiking, physical exertion in uneven and/or challenging terrain, adverse weather conditions, and carrying heavy equipment for extended periods. Participants should be in good physical health and have the necessary strength, stamina, and flexibility to engage in such activities. Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or physical limitations should consult with their physician as well as course organizers to assess their suitability for the training. Wolf Den and its affiliates will not be held liable for injuries sustained while participating in physically demanding activities.

Legal Requirements: Participants must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws regarding firearms possession and usage. They should possess any required permits or licenses to handle, transport, and store firearms legally.

Verification and Documentation:

To enroll in the Wolf Den course, participants may be required to provide the following documentation:


A copy of a valid government-issued identification document (e.g., driver's license, passport) as proof of age.

Evidence of prior firearm handling experience, such as certificates of completion from recognized firearm training programs, military service records, or law enforcement certifications.

Evidence of applicable local, state, or federal permits, licenses, etc.

The course organizers reserve the right to refuse or terminate the enrollment of any participant who fails to meet the eligibility criteria or exhibits unsafe behavior during the course. The safety of all participants and instructors is of paramount importance, and any breach of safety protocols will result in immediate dismissal.

Communication Policy

Effective communication is essential for a smooth and successful training course experience. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for communication between participants and staff leading up to and during the training course.

Prior to the training course, participants will have access to designated communication channels, such as email, phone, or online platforms, to address any questions, concerns, or inquiries they may have. The staff will strive to provide timely and accurate responses to facilitate participant understanding and preparation for the course. Participants can expect to receive clear and comprehensive information regarding the course schedule, location, required equipment, prerequisites, and any other relevant details. Staff will make every effort to communicate this information well in advance, allowing participants sufficient time to prepare and make necessary arrangements. Designated communication channels, such as email or phone, will be provided for participants to reach out to the staff. Participants are encouraged to utilize these channels for course-related communication, including questions, clarification, or updates regarding the training course.

Participants are expected to engage in professional and respectful communication with the staff. Any form of harassment, abusive language, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Likewise, staff members will communicate in a professional and courteous manner, ensuring a positive and inclusive environment for all participants. Use of mobile devices during course hours will be at the discretion of the course instructor. If you need access to your phone for personal or business needs, please communicate your needs with your instructor.

Staff will make reasonable efforts to respond to participant inquiries and communication within a timely manner. However, response times may vary based on the volume of inquiries and the nature of the communication. Participants are encouraged to allow for a reasonable period for staff to provide a comprehensive response. In the event of an emergency or urgent matter, participants should follow the specified emergency communication protocol provided by the staff. This may include contacting designated emergency contacts, utilizing specific communication channels, or following any emergency procedures outlined during the course.

Participants are encouraged to provide constructive feedback or express any concerns regarding the training course or staff interaction. Feedback and concerns will be acknowledged and addressed by the staff to continuously improve the quality of the training experience.

By adhering to this communication policy, participants and staff can foster effective and efficient communication, ensuring a positive and productive training course experience for all involved parties.

Attendance Policy

By enrolling in a course, participants enter into a contractual agreement with Wolf Den LLC. This agreement includes the commitment to attend all scheduled lessons and fulfill the financial obligations associated with the course. Absences do not exempt participants from their financial responsibility. Exceptions to the attendance policy may be considered in extraordinary circumstances, such as medical emergencies or other unforeseen events. Participants are encouraged to contact Wolf Den LLC to discuss such situations on a case-by-case basis.

All participants are expected to attend the course as scheduled. In the event of an absence, the participant will still be responsible for paying the agreed contract value for the course. Absences should be communicated in advance, whenever possible, to allow for necessary adjustments and rescheduling, if applicable. In cases where an absence is communicated in advance, Wolf Den LLC will make reasonable efforts to accommodate rescheduling or provide make-up sessions, if available. However, rescheduling or make-up sessions are subject to instructor availability and may incur additional fees or charges. Participants are encouraged to communicate any scheduling conflicts, unforeseen circumstances, or potential absences as soon as possible. Open and transparent communication allows for better coordination and ensures that appropriate support can be provided.

Attendance records will be maintained by Wolf Den LLC for administrative and contractual purposes. These records may be used to verify attendance, track progress, and address any attendance-related issues or concerns.

Participants are required to arrive on time for all course lessons. Punctuality ensures a smooth and efficient learning experience for everyone involved. Late arrivals may disrupt the flow of the lesson and negatively impact the progress of the course.

For formal certification courses, participants are required to attend all class sessions and field exercises. Participants may miss no more than 10% of the course hours. Review of missed curriculum or examinations is the student’s responsibility. Participants with absences exceeding 10% of course hours will not be eligible for testing and/or certification. No refunds of course costs will be offered. For extenuating circumstances, participants are encouraged to communicate with the course instructor as soon as possible to make arrangements for any absences.

Wolf Den LLC retains the right to expel a participant from a course in the event of abusive or harassing behavior towards other participants or staff, safety or range violations, or any indication of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. We maintain a zero tolerance policy for alcohol or drug use during our courses. If any of the above circumstances occur, the participant will not be eligible for a refund or the opportunity to attend a future course. In such cases, local law enforcement may be contacted if necessary.

While attending Wolf Den training courses, it is the legal responsibility of the individual, unit, or group to comply with all federal and state laws pertaining to the storage, transportation, security, carriage, ammunition, and firearms. This also includes adhering to regulations concerning open and concealed carry. Participants may carry a sidearm, whether openly or concealed, provided that the holster utilizes active retention and is constructed of high-quality materials. The permissibility of such carry will be determined by the regulations of the host range and/or the assessment of our staff. The participant assumes all legal liability and responsibility concerning the carriage and storage of a sidearm, including compliance with federal and state laws related to such actions.

Mobile Device Usage Policy

To ensure an optimal learning environment, the use of mobile devices during course hours will be at the discretion of the course instructor. The course instructor will assess the appropriateness of mobile device usage based on the specific circumstances and objectives of the training course. This ensures that the course proceeds smoothly and that distractions are minimized for all participants.

We recognize that participants may have legitimate personal or business needs that necessitate the use of their mobile devices during course hours. We encourage open communication between participants and the instructor regarding these needs to find suitable solutions that balance individual requirements with the overall course objectives. While accommodating personal and business needs, it is important to maintain a respectful and focused learning environment. Participants are expected to use their mobile devices discreetly and minimize any disruption to their own learning and that of others. Participants are reminded that the primary purpose of attending the training course is to engage in the learning activities and maximize their training experience. Mobile device usage should not interfere with active participation, engagement, or attentiveness to course materials and instructions. In cases of emergency or urgent personal matters, participants may be granted temporary access to their mobile devices by seeking permission from the instructor. It is important to exercise discretion and only use mobile devices when absolutely necessary to address critical situations.

By adhering to this mobile device usage policy, participants can contribute to a focused and productive learning environment while accommodating their personal and business needs as much as possible. Open communication with the instructor ensures mutual understanding and facilitates a positive training experience for all participants.

Inclement Weather Policy

The safety of participants is our top priority. In the event of inclement weather, we will closely monitor conditions and make decisions to ensure the well-being and safety of all individuals involved in the firearm course. Our staff will continuously assess weather conditions leading up to and during the course. This includes monitoring forecasts, severe weather warnings, and local weather advisories. Decisions regarding course modifications or cancellations will be based on the best available information and in the interest of participant safety. We will maintain open lines of communication with registered participants regarding any changes or updates related to the course schedule due to inclement weather. This includes providing timely notifications of any modifications, rescheduling, or cancellations via email, phone, or other specified communication channels.

In the event of inclement weather that poses safety risks, we may modify the course itinerary or schedule to ensure the safest possible training environment. These modifications may include adjusting the duration of outdoor activities, relocating to covered or indoor facilities, or incorporating alternative training exercises that mitigate potential risks associated with the weather conditions. In rare circumstances when the weather conditions pose significant safety risks that cannot be adequately addressed through course modifications, we may decide to cancel the course. If a course cancellation occurs, we will make every effort to provide reasonable advance notice to participants and explore options for rescheduling or refunding course fees, as outlined in the terms and conditions of the registration.

Participants are responsible for monitoring weather conditions and staying informed about any updates or changes communicated by our staff. If participants have concerns about their ability to attend or participate in the course due to inclement weather, they should contact us in advance to discuss their options. In the event of course cancellation due to inclement weather, we will review our refund and rescheduling policies as outlined in the terms and conditions of the registration. This will be done on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the specific circumstances and any contractual obligations.

Range Policy

Upon arrival at the range facility, all participants will be provided with a comprehensive firearm range policy. This policy outlines the rules, regulations, and safety protocols specific to the range facility. It is crucial that all participants carefully read, understand, and comply with the range policy. Participants are required to follow all instructions provided by the course organizers and range staff. This includes adhering to safety guidelines, maintaining proper firearm handling and storage practices, and respecting the range rules at all times. Any questions or concerns regarding the range policy should be promptly addressed to the course organizers for clarification.

The range policy serves to ensure the safety of all participants, staff, and visitors at the range facility. It provides important information on range etiquette, target placement, shooting procedures, emergency protocols, and other relevant guidelines. It is essential that participants actively engage with the range policy and actively cooperate with course organizers to maintain a safe and secure environment throughout the firearm course.

By upholding the range policy and following the instructions of the course organizers, participants contribute to the overall success of the training experience while prioritizing the well-being and safety of everyone involved.

Ammunition Policy

Ammunition must be of a quality required for the chosen shooting application and training course, and acceptable ammunition types will be communicated by the course organizer prior to the course start date. Armor piecing, tungsten core, steel core, explosive, barrier blind or similar ammunition types will not be used in any capacity on ranges owned or leased by Wolf Den. However, host units may elect the use of these types of ammunition at their discretion and when training is hosted on the unit’s range. 

Whether factory or hand-loaded, ammunition should be of uniform components and bullet type. Wolf Den will not be held responsible if the ammunition provided by the participant is unsafe or unable to perform to the expected course consistency standards. It is the participant’s responsibility to arrive prepared for the course. 

Participants may utilize hand loaded ammunition. Using hand loaded ammunition will allow the shooter to maximize the potential of a precision weapon platform. Participants accept full responsibility for the performance and safety of hand loaded ammunition. Some ammunition loaded to tighter tolerances may have ejection or chambering issues due to the factors associated with field firing environments and adverse conditions. These factors may result in a failure to eject or stuck cases. Ammunition which has been loaded to seat the bullet against the lands and requires firing to eject the round will be deemed unsafe. In most cases this ammunition will not be permitted for course use. Course instructors will be allowed to inspect participant’s ammunition and weapon systems for safety at any time throughout the course. Failure to allow instructors to inspect your equipment may result in dismissal from the course. 

Match ammunition offers superior consistency and tighter precision tolerances when compared to standard factory and hunting ammunition. Due to these advantages, the use of match grade ammunition is mandatory for all participants attending the Wolf Den precision long-range course. Utilizing non-match grade ammunition will result in reduced precision and consistency, significantly impacting the participant's ability to engage targets accurately and precisely at long ranges.

In select courses, participants may have the opportunity to engage in powder temperature sensitivity testing and collect muzzle velocity measurement data under extreme temperature conditions. However, the decision to participate in muzzle velocity testing is entirely at the discretion of the individual. It is important to note that hand-loaded ammunition designed to achieve maximum muzzle velocities within standard temperature ranges may pose safety risks when tested under extreme temperature conditions. To ensure safety, participants must record temperature and muzzle velocity information for hand-loaded ammunition before the commencement of the course.

Please be aware that Wolf Den LLC cannot be held responsible for any issues arising from faulty or malfunctioning ammunition, nor for any adverse effects resulting from the firing of ammunition at temperature extremes. The attendee assumes full responsibility for the performance and safety of temperature sensitivity tested ammunition, irrespective of whether it is hand-loaded or factory-assembled. For open enrollment courses, training may be subject to cancellation if the minimum attendance is not reached four weeks prior to the event start date. Notifications and full or partial refunds will then be issued to prospective participants or units. A partial refund will be issued in the instance any non-refundable overhead costs have been incurred. Open enrolment attendees must pay the clinic amount in full to reserve the training slot. Units must pay the required deposit amount when reserving the training dates. Individuals and units wishing to cancel may be issued with a full or partial refund up to three months before the event start date, minus the value of any products and services already received, or any overhead costs incurred. Any late cancellation within three months of the start date will incur forfeiture of any deposit of funds for goods or services. A partial refund amount may be issued to individuals or units at the discretion of Wolf Den LLC. Wolf Den LLC requires private groups or government units and departments to submit a 25-50% deposit upon scheduling training dates. The final deposit value is determined by administrative and logistical overhead costs at the discretion of Wolf Den LLC and will be invoiced as such. All private group and government deposit refunds will be subject to this cancellation policy. Failing to cancel a scheduled event before the allocated three-month timeframe will incur automatic forfeiture of the deposit. Any partial refund or rescheduling of dates will occur at the discretion of Wolf Den LLC. 

First Aid Policy

We will designate trained individuals or qualified first aid providers who are responsible for administering first aid in case of an emergency. These individuals will possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and certifications to provide appropriate first aid care.

We will maintain readily accessible and well-stocked first aid kits and equipment at strategic locations throughout the facility. These kits will contain essential supplies to address common injuries and medical emergencies. The contents of the first aid kits will be regularly checked, restocked, and maintained in accordance with applicable regulations and best practices.

First aid providers will assess the nature and severity of the injury or illness and administer appropriate first aid treatment within the scope of their training. They will prioritize the individual's safety and well-being while ensuring the comfort and dignity of the affected person. If necessary, first aid providers will contact emergency medical services (EMS) for further assistance and provide necessary information about the situation, including the individual's condition and location.

All first aid incidents, treatments provided, and referrals to medical professionals will be documented accurately and promptly. This documentation will be maintained in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Medical Emergency Policy

In the event of a medical emergency that requires immediate attention, our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected individual. Therefore, we will arrange for transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility capable of providing the necessary care. While we prioritize the well-being of individuals in need of emergency medical transportation, it is important to note that the costs associated with such transportation are the responsibility of the individual or their insurance provider. We strongly recommend that all individuals maintain appropriate health insurance coverage to address medical expenses. Insurance policies play a crucial role in covering or mitigating the financial burden associated with emergency medical transportation and related medical treatments. Individuals who do not have insurance coverage will be responsible for all costs associated with emergency medical transportation and subsequent medical treatment. We encourage individuals to explore alternative means of obtaining suitable insurance coverage to mitigate potential financial burdens.

By accepting our services, individuals acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for any and all financial liabilities arising from emergency medical expenses, including associated medical transportation and related costs. We will make every effort to communicate this policy clearly to all individuals and ensure that it is readily accessible. It is essential that individuals understand their financial responsibility for emergency medical transportation and seek appropriate insurance coverage to protect themselves from potential financial hardships.

Cancellation Policy

At Wolf Den LLC, we understand that unforeseen circumstances may require participants to cancel their enrollment in a course. To ensure fairness and maintain the integrity of our course offerings, we have implemented the following cancellation policy:

Open Enrollment Training: Wolf Den LLC civilian training participants must pay the clinic amount in full to reserve an open enrollment, group, or individual private training slot. Full payment is due upon initial reservation of the course training slot dates. Wolf Den LLC open enrolment courses may be subject to cancellation if the minimum attendance is not reached four weeks prior to the training event start date. Notifications and full or partial refunds will then be issued to prospective participants. A partial refund will be issued in the instance any non-refundable overhead costs have been incurred. Individuals wishing to cancel a training slot reservation may be issued with a full or partial refund up to three months before the event start date, minus the value of any products and services already received, and any overhead costs incurred. A late cancellation within three months of the start date will incur forfeiture of all funds for reserved goods and services. A partial refund amount may be issued to individuals at the sole discretion of Wolf Den LLC. Wolf Den LLC may agree to reschedule training dates at our sole discretion.

Private Individual & Group Training: On rare occasions, Wolf Den LLC private group and individual training may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances which fall outside of the immediate control of Wolf Den LLC. Notifications and full or partial refunds will then be issued to prospective participants. A partial refund will be issued in the instance any non-refundable overhead costs have been incurred. Individuals or groups wishing to cancel a private training reservation may be issued with a full or partial refund up to three months before the event start date, minus the value of any products and services already received, and any overhead costs incurred. A late cancellation within three months of the start date will incur forfeiture of all funds for reserved goods and services. A partial refund amount may be issued to individuals or groups at the discretion of Wolf Den LLC. Wolf Den LLC may agree to reschedule training dates at our sole discretion.

Government Training: Wolf Den LLC government training requires the contracting unit to pay a deposit value between 25% and 50% of the full contract amount when reserving any training dates. The final deposit percentage will be determined by administrative and logistical costs during the initial planning stages and billed appropriately upon confirmation of training date reservation. Units seeking to cancel training may be issued with a full or partial refund up to three months before the event start date, minus the value of any products and services already received, or any overhead costs incurred. A late cancellation within three months of the training start date will incur forfeiture of any deposit of funds. A partial refund amount may be issued to units at the discretion of Wolf Den LLC. Wolf Den LLC may agree to reschedule training dates at our sole discretion.

Non-Refundable Fees: Please note that certain fees, such as non-refundable deposits or administrative charges, may apply and will be clearly stated in the course registration terms. These fees are non-refundable regardless of the cancellation timeframe.

Failure to Attend or Late Cancellations: Participants who fail to attend the course without prior cancellation notice or cancel within 3 months of the scheduled course start time will not be eligible for a refund. This policy is in place to ensure fairness and allocate resources effectively.

It is important to understand that refunds will be issued according to the original payment method and may take a reasonable processing time to be reflected in the participant's account.

Wolf Den LLC reserves the right to make exceptions to this cancellation policy on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration extenuating circumstances. Participants are encouraged to reach out to our team to discuss any exceptional situations.

By enrolling in a course at Wolf Den LLC, participants acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this cancellation policy.

Force Majeure Clause

In the event that Wolf Den LLC is unable to fulfill or perform any term of this Agreement due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, Wolf Den LLC shall not be held liable or deemed to have defaulted or breached this Agreement. Such circumstances include force majeure events that frustrate the purpose of this Agreement. Force majeure events include, but are not limited to:

(a) Acts of God, such as natural disasters including floods, fires, earthquakes, or explosions.

(b) War, invasion, hostilities, terrorist threats or acts, riots, or civil unrest, whether war is declared or not.

(c) Government processes, including rejection of ITAR licenses, ongoing pending processing of ITAR licenses, or issues related to government immigration entry or work visas in the host country.

(d) Government orders or laws that impact the fulfillment or performance of this Agreement.

(e) Actions, embargoes, or blockades in effect on or after the date of this Agreement.

(f) Actions taken by any governmental authority.

(g) National or regional emergencies.

(h) Strikes, labor stoppages, slowdowns, or other industrial disturbances.

(i) Epidemics, pandemics, or similar influenza or bacterial infections, as defined by the United States Center for Disease Control, which may cause a global outbreak, pandemic, or serious illness.

(j) Declaration of an emergency state.

(k) Shortage of adequate medical supplies and equipment.

(l) Shortage of power or transportation facilities.

(m) Any other similar events beyond the reasonable control of Wolf Den LLC.

In the occurrence of a force majeure event, Wolf Den LLC may, at its discretion, issue a full or partial refund to the other Party, minus the value of any products, services, or overheads already incurred. This refund acknowledges the impact of the unforeseen circumstances on the Agreement.

Wolf Den LLC will make reasonable efforts to communicate and collaborate with the other Party to minimize the effects of the force majeure event and explore suitable alternatives for fulfilling the Agreement. However, Wolf Den LLC shall not be held responsible for any failure or delay caused by or resulting from such events beyond its reasonable control.

It is important to note that the force majeure clause is intended to address unforeseen and extraordinary circumstances, and its application is subject to the discretion of Wolf Den LLC based on the specific circumstances and the prevailing laws and regulations.

Animal Policy

Animals and pets are not allowed at course sites. Any participant bringing an animal to class will be asked to leave until the animal is safely situated in a kennel or other facility. No exceptions. If you have a service animal that is trained to do work or perform tasks on your behalf and intend to bring them to a course, please contact us. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

Our organization firmly believes in treating all individuals with fairness and respect. We do not discriminate against individuals based on their COVID-19 vaccination status. We understand that vaccination decisions are personal choices, and we respect the autonomy and privacy of our employees, customers, and participants.

Equal Opportunity Policy

Wolf Den does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, genetics information, disability unrelated to job or admission requirements, or veteran status. Retaliation directed to any person who pursues a discrimination complaint or grievance, participates in a discrimination investigation, or otherwise opposes unlawful discrimination is prohibited.

Promotion Policy

Wolf Den may use attendees’ names, photos, description of activities, and other media in promotional material, videos, and press releases. A media release form will be provided to attendees prior to the start of their course.